Pointless Ranting-II

Me – ley ley leyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy….. 😛

JS – yeah 🙂

JS – Don’t tell me this refers to another jeopardy of thoughts that are going to decant here, not that I mind it but there are precincts of lingo that encumbers me to challenge your attainment of la langue – English 🙂

Me – i’m already jaded with this mortiferous language 🙂 saddle me not with more of it 🙂 its sedating me 😛

Me – veilen danke for being my daily dose of verbosa 🙂 n radiating the spirit of lingua that illuminates me 🙂

JS – Sedating you? Your exalt for the confederacy of words in your lineage of thoughts have me enraptured but that I thank you back for infusing me with the l’esprit de la langue to reach the state of Buddha 🙂 the language is mortiferous I agree, but we are still the learners, like I said, “There’s always cacophony in everything we do and learn and so we try to unlearn it and learn the better again, but somehow the fetter is unbreakable. Such a paradox and yet we pine for a regally embellished life. So is language learning, I do not conceive how exactly but I feel so. 🙂 🙂 :)” 😀 😀

Me- just ruminating over the spontaneity of verbal brilliance that enraptures and leaves us in sheer consternation.. ephemeral yet ecstatic!! 🙂 its an enigma shrouded by eclectic thoughts and emotions 🙂

😀 😀 😀 😀 😀

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